Saturday, November 15, 2008


I can't help myself. I always have a project going on. It might keep me sane. I always feel better when I see a finished project. In the past few months I have refinished my old kitchen table as well as my new kitchen table. I am working on refinishing some chairs. In between I decided to build some storage space in my basement entryway. I bought the stuff yesterday and put it up today. Brad's in California this weekend so I wanted to get it done before he got back. I can't take all the credit because I needed my brother, Ben, to use his strength and help me keep things straight. But as the engineer, I am pretty proud of my work. I made all the cuts myself, too, even though the table saw scares me. To celebrate, we had my other brother, Spencer, and his family come over for dinner and root beer floats!


Jessica said...

hey nice shelves! you did great...Travis even said so ;)

Chelsea Nicole said...

Tara i am impressed!!! Your like superwomen, you do it all. They look great

Jami said...

You have wayyyy too much energy! The shelves look great.

Kim said...

Ok, this sounds awesome. I can't wait until we own our own place and I can do whatever I want to it. I'm very impressed with your handywork AND the fact that you used a tablesaw.