Thursday, November 20, 2008

Litttle Samarai Class

Last day of class I remembered the camera:

This is usually how the first 15 minutes of class goes. The kids run around while the teacher gets the mats out and decides what to do. (With community ed classes you get what you pay for-not much).

This is the usual warm up. Notice, Cousin Arie running around, Aaron is left of the guy jumping in circles, and Ian has to be held by the instructor.
This about sums up the rest of class. The teacher tries to explain something while the kids wrestle. He really forgets there are three year olds in his class. Example: Cousin Arie can't sit still. Aaron takes it well.
Ian is actually so tired by 5pm that he is spastic (defense mechanism against sleep). Half the time he is going crazy trying to beat up Arie or anyone else in his way.
Meanwhile, Lani is on the sidelines playing with her new friend. Well, she follows her around to sit by her anyway.

And that is our karate class. It really is pretty hysterical. I'm considering investing in real lessons (as opposed to what we got). I mean, I already invested in the gi attire. Some say this encourages violence, but if you know my boys, you know that violence occurs without any encouragement in my house. Aaron might as well learn how to defend himself, right?

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