Thursday, October 2, 2008


This week Aaron was sick, then we all got flu shots, then Ian got sick. I am not looking forward to Winter. Also, the boys started their Samarai class along with cousin Arie. It's great. They jump and run around the gym and roll around the mat for an hour. They went to bed so well Wednesday night. Pictures soon with the gi uniforms:) I've started carpooling with a lady down the street getting Aaron and his new friend Caeden back and forth to school. It is so great to only make the trips half the time (there is no bus system at this school). The kids are keeping me really busy. Lani is down to one nap a day, every other day during this time Ian and I do "school time." I've forgotten what "quiet time" is anymore now that Ian does not nap and will not sit through a movie. This is requiring real mental exercises to prevent yelling at my children. Now that they are in bed and I look at the pictures of the last week I wonder, why would I ever be mad at them?
Aaron reading to his brother.
Look, I'm a transformer.
GQ shot.
Courtesy of Aaron, the photographer.

1 comment:

Chelsea Nicole said...

haha Owen is into the photography too watch out family now we have two photographers. Oh how on earth do you get your blog buddies to show when they update??