...a few things I wish I'd known...
1. Realize there is a lot involved in owning a fish for example, all the supplies needed (filter, aquarium, food, plants, heater...) . In addition, there is a perfect water temperature and ph level and nitrate and ammonium level, and other stuff I still don't get.
2. Goldfish will die. And then, your kids will cry. In Aaron's case, he cried a lot. Goldfish number one died the day after we got him. And Aaron worried and worried that Goldfish and Cool Buddy (his names for his two goldfish) would be apart and he was not relieved much when Cool Buddy's death followed the next day, despite that they were now "together." He was so sad and even prayed that they would come back to life. And here began a lesson on the resurrection which Aaron is very excited for because he wants to see his goldfish again.
3. You will spend money. Following our goldfish' deaths, we felt bad and had to promise them more fish or better fish and we went out and spent more money on fish that I thought would be easy to take care of and not require much work (so wrong).
Well, the cool thing is that they love the remaining fish (a koi named po po). We hope he lives for a while at least. He is great entertainment for the boys. They will sit and watch him swim back and forth for a really long time and even talk to him. It's kind of funny. Even Lani seems to like scaring him as she pounds on the glass and laughs at the moving fish.