Thursday, February 24, 2011

Four kids

I have four kids. Aaron is so smart that he often rattles off random facts about space that I had never heard before. He is so sensitive to my feelings that when I start yelling a little too much about why nobody ever picks up their clothes he gives me a hug and picks up everybody's clothes. Ian has the most awesome, winning, handsome smile. His laugh is contagious even to his siblings and, usually, he says he is sorry. Kailani can color in a coloring book for hours, but she also loves "school time," painting nails with mommy, and her favorite thing is to curl up and read books together. Melina is a little pixie. She points a lot at the rabbit that lives in our bushes and says Mommy, and cookie, and ball. In the morning when I get her out of her crib (that's right, her crib-not my bed) she gives me the tightest hug around my neck. I have four beautiful, adorable kids.


Jana said...

This was one of my favorite posts. I love your four kids and it made me homesick for them. I hope you call tonight so we can talk...I love and miss you guys!

Mama Jones said...

I agree! You have four beautiful, adorable kids! And I love them, too.