Friday, September 10, 2010

Here's a quick summary of how our summer looked. Lots of fun. Best part is the boys can now practice YEAR ROUND!!!! (I think Tara's pretty excited at the prospect of sending them outside year round without worry of Child Services. *KIDDING*) Also, this video was on my phone (which started a 48-hour death march yesterday - we now have limited time together, necessitating getting all the videos and pics off of it). So I can't vouch for the quality. But the videos go up, none the less. And I think they're missing audio because of the conversion.

As a side note, they have both started taking my skateboard out, luging down the hill skeleton-style, so they can practice their pop-ups on the move. I'd grab a vid of that, but it would probably TKO my phone.

And for those keeping score, that's Brad - 2, picture-taking-devices - 0. I'm doing my best Ray Bradbury impression on digital media for the good of humanity. (Bragging rights to the first one to get the literary reference.)


Chris said...

So, the question is ... are you a fireman? Or a memorizer of photos? Because I have quite a few photos of myself that I'd probably go more fireman on than memorizer. Just saying! Yay, by the way, for Tara ... free at last! At least for another 9 months! Miss you guys!

Jana said...

I am SO SUPER impressed with how fast Aaron is going and the almost impossibly amazing wheelies Ian is doing. What Cali boys already.